Mamatunda Ltd is a company that was formed with the mission to supply high quality natural fruits and the vision of women empowerment. Kenya’s most important economic sector is agriculture, and the country is the world’s third-largest exporter of fresh vegetables. Fresh produce exports are becoming increasingly popular, and Kenya is well-known for cultivating and exporting high-quality fresh food to Europe and other areas of the world. Mamatunda ensures that all the procudures are followed till the product is safely delivered to the intended market. We ensure that you get the best from us and that the process is smooth for you.

Large-scale commercial farmers have generally dominated the export business over the years.Kenya’s environment is perfect for growing horticulture items like vegetables, fruits, and cut flower products for both domestic and international markets.Kenya exports sweet peas, runner beans, Asian vegetables, avocados, mangoes, and some of the world’s highest-quality green beans.

The AFA Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD), the competent authority of Kenya’s horticultural sub-sector charged with promoting the development of horticultural crops, licensing exporters, and disseminating information on horticultural marketing, regulates the export of fresh fruits and vegetables. The AFA Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD) must inspect the facility where the produce is handled to ensure that it is hygienic and that the personnel follows proper hygiene procedures.

HCD will issue a packhouse inspection report once the facility has been inspected and found to be in full compliance with the standards. Before fresh fruits and vegetables may be exported, the farm, packing house, and premises must be inspected to ensure that they are sanitary and meet good agricultural standards.Depending on the produce being exported, the AFA Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), and Ministry of Health-Port Health Services conduct inspections.

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